Welcome to Alcoholics Anonymous District 20 of Eastern Massachusetts.
We serve the AA communities of the Merrimack Valley, including:
Amesbury; Andover; Boxford; Georgetown; Groveland; Haverhill; Lawrence; Merrimac; Methuen; Newbury; Newburyport; North Andover; Rowley; Salisbury; and West Newbury.
Beginning April 7 the District Meeting will be at a new location:
North Andover Senior Center
481 Sutton Street, North Andover, MA
The monthly meeting of the District 20 General Service Committee meets every 1st Monday* at 7:30 pm.
The meeting will be Hybrid at: North Andover Senior Center
481 Sutton Street, North Andover, MA
and on Zoom: Meeting ID: 898 7335 5689. Passcode: District20.
*If 1st Monday falls on a holiday, the meeting will be held 2nd Monday of the month.